Solid corrosion resistant scale that is always there for you.
Having a quality scale onboard can help you set the drag on a reels, weigh your catch and settle the debate of who got the biggest fish. Its brass body is corrosion resistant and features easy to read increments and handles up to 50 lbs. A spring is used to measure your catch on this mechanical scale (no batteries required), so it will always be ready when you land the big one. At just 8 1/2" long this scale will fit in your tackle box or a stuffed onboard tackle drawer. Never miss weighing your catch because of a dead battery; be ready with a brass fishing scale.
Key Features:
- Mechanical scale that doesn’t require batteries
- Corrosion resistant brass body
- Easy to read increments
- Compact design to fit in tackle boxes or onboard drawers
- Weighs fish up to 50 lbs.